

Helmet can help protect your app from some well-known web vulnerabilities by setting HTTP headers appropriately. Generally, Helmet is just a collection of smaller middleware functions that set security-related HTTP headers (read more).

info Hint Note that applying helmet as global or registering it must come before other calls to app.use() or setup functions that may call app.use(). This is due to the way the underlying platform (i.e., Express or Fastify) works, where the order that middleware/routes are defined matters. If you use middleware like helmet or cors after you define a route, then that middleware will not apply to that route, it will only apply to routes defined after the middleware.

Use with Express (default)

Start by installing the required package.

$ npm i --save helmet

Once the installation is complete, apply it as a global middleware.

import helmet from 'helmet';
// somewhere in your initialization file

warning Warning When using helmet, @apollo/server (4.x), and the Apollo Sandbox, there may be a problem with CSP on the Apollo Sandbox. To solve this issue configure the CSP as shown below:

crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: false,
contentSecurityPolicy: {
directives: {
imgSrc: [`'self'`, 'data:', 'apollo-server-landing-page.cdn.apollographql.com'],
scriptSrc: [`'self'`, `https: 'unsafe-inline'`],
manifestSrc: [`'self'`, 'apollo-server-landing-page.cdn.apollographql.com'],
frameSrc: [`'self'`, 'sandbox.embed.apollographql.com'],

Use with Fastify

If you are using the FastifyAdapter, install the @fastify/helmet package:

$ npm i --save @fastify/helmet

fastify-helmet should not be used as a middleware, but as a Fastify plugin, i.e., by using app.register():

import helmet from '@fastify/helmet'
// somewhere in your initialization file
await app.register(helmet)

warning Warning When using apollo-server-fastify and @fastify/helmet, there may be a problem with CSP on the GraphQL playground, to solve this collision, configure the CSP as shown below:

await app.register(fastifyHelmet, {
contentSecurityPolicy: {
directives: {
defaultSrc: [`'self'`, 'unpkg.com'],
styleSrc: [
fontSrc: [`'self'`, 'fonts.gstatic.com', 'data:'],
imgSrc: [`'self'`, 'data:', 'cdn.jsdelivr.net'],
scriptSrc: [
`https: 'unsafe-inline'`,

// If you are not going to use CSP at all, you can use this:
await app.register(fastifyHelmet, {
contentSecurityPolicy: false,