
CSRF Protection

Cross-site request forgery (also known as CSRF or XSRF) is a type of malicious exploit of a website where unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that the web application trusts. To mitigate this kind of attack you can use the csurf package.

Use with Express (default)

Start by installing the required package:

$ npm i --save csurf

warning Warning This package is deprecated, refer to csurf docs for more information.

warning Warning As explained in the csurf docs, this middleware requires either session middleware or cookie-parser to be initialized first. Please see that documentation for further instructions.

Once the installation is complete, apply the csurf middleware as global middleware.

import * as csurf from 'csurf';
// ...
// somewhere in your initialization file

Use with Fastify

Start by installing the required package:

$ npm i --save @fastify/csrf-protection

Once the installation is complete, register the @fastify/csrf-protection plugin, as follows:

import fastifyCsrf from '@fastify/csrf-protection';
// ...
// somewhere in your initialization file after registering some storage plugin
await app.register(fastifyCsrf);

warning Warning As explained in the @fastify/csrf-protection docs here, this plugin requires a storage plugin to be initialized first. Please, see that documentation for further instructions.